Basic information
Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years.
They are believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf, and have been cultivated since ancient times from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 4000 BCE. The Ancient Egyptians used the fruits to be made into date wine, and ate them at harvest. There is archaeological evidence of date cultivation in eastern Arabia in 6000 BCE. (Alvarez-Mon 2006).
In later times, traders spread dates around South and South West Asia, northern Africa, and Spain and Italy. Dates were introduced into Mexico and California by the Spaniards by 1765, around Mission San Ignacio.
A date palm cultivar, known as Judean date palm is renowned for its long-lived orthodox seed, which successfully sprouted after accidental storage for 2000 years. To view full history on dates please click here
Widely grown in Arab countries, the date is the fruit of the date palm. Dates are sweet and rich with a chewy, sticky texture. Fresh dates are plump and dark brown with a glossy sheen. Dried dates look very similar and it can be hard to tell the difference if you buy them packaged. Dried dates are often coated in syrup to keep them soft and sticky.
Buyer's guide
Dates are harvested in late autumn and early winter, this is when the best selection is available in the shops and they’re more likely to be fresh. There are hundreds of varieties, but Medjool is the most plentiful. Medjool’s are large, deep-red coloured dates. They’re expensive but worth it for their delicious toffee-like taste. You can buy clusters of dates still on the stem or packaged in boxes – seeded or pitted. Buy seeded dates for the best flavour.
Fresh or dried, dates keep really well – for at least a few months in a cool, dark cupboard. They also freeze very well.
Eat dates as a sweet snack, or chop them up and scatter them onto cereal in place of sugar or honey. Chopped up they can also be added to cakes, biscuits and desserts. They’re delicious served with cheese or as an after dinner treat, stuffed with a whole almond and rolled in icing sugar. North African cuisine makes varied use of dates, notably in rice and sweet couscous dishes
Dates contains calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, coppor, magnesium, volatile oils, vitamin B6 & other Vitamins, folic acid, proteins, sugar, and are rich in natural fibers which contribute to a healthy body and mind. Hence consumption of dates has a great benefit which are as follows:
Prevents Cancer:
Modern Medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer.
The wide variety of nutritious elements in date makes it hunger-resistive and reduces food consumption.
Child Birth:
Eating dates eases the pain of childbirth, helps produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth.
Calcium is important for strong bones and dates are rich in calcium.
Intestinal Disturbances:
Dates contain an antidotal potency which restrains and kills the growth of intestinal worms and other parasites.
The roughage provided by dates stimulates sluggish bowls. Dates should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.
Improves Eyesight:
Dates are important in maintaining good vision and are effective in guarding against night-blindness.
Sexual Disability:
Dates mixed with milk and honey can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes ans also strengthens the body and raises its energy levels.
Remedy for Liver and Inflammations :
Dates provide a best remedy for Lever and purge it from toxins. Breaking fast with dates is once of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the lever from accumulated toxins
In the form of an infusion, decoction, syrup or paste, is administered as a treatment for sore throat, colds, bronchial catarrh. it is taken to relieve fever, cystisis, gonorrhea, edema, liver and abdominal troubles.